Wednesday, February 01, 2012

writing again...

I wrote in this blog last month. In 2011, I wrote only six times. I didn’t produce many writing about my feeling, my thinking or my opinion in my blog or at home in my “buku curhat”. Not easy for me to write as when I was a single. time move very fast. In the beginning 2012, I had review my life. I found that when I stop writing, my life was stagnation. I have to push my self to write anything about my idea, my feeling and my faith.

Chrismas 2011, I met a woman in the church. My mother in law know her well and she introduce me to her. She knew my name but not know me. “Nomi Sinulingga? I always read your blog”. “hmmm..ya, I was make many writing in the last, but not now,” I said and smile to her. She remind me to write again in my blog.

January 2012 has passed. New month has come. I haven’t wrote anything yet. I suggest my self to start it now. In February first, I have to push my self to start coloring my life again by this blog. I know in future there is something waiting for me to make my life more colorful and amazing. I believe it. Because I have GOD factor in my life. I know, GOD always hope the life of His doughter not stagnantion, but I have progress even a little every day.

Thank you Lord, I can start writing again...

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